
Getting Your Produce

You can buy whatever produce you like and combine them together. I personally don’t follow specific recipes and I go based off what I’m feeling or intuitively going toward.

But there are a few things to consider when choosing. What fruits and veggies are good to buy, should they be organic or not, what you should skip, and not use at all.

Always go for the cleanest food you can find and afford. The best solution is to grow them yourself but that isn’t always possible.

The problem with organic is that they are usually more expensive but they are typically higher quality.

So, when you go shopping, ask the store manager where they buy their produce. If at all possible, go to a local farm where they may sell produce as they will tell you if they contain pesticides or not which you do not want.

Worst case, you can just get regular fruits and vegetables and that is always a better alternative than junk.

You can also find delievery services to have your produce go right to your door.

Washing Produce

Simply rinsing with tap water isn’t really good enough even though that’s what most people do anyway. Here is a video explaining a more efficient way to do so. Be sure that you also have a water filtration system in your tap water to make sure the water you are using doesn’t have any chemicals in there either.

Prepping Your Produce

You need to start prepping your fruits and vegetables. Depending on what juicer you have will determine how you want to cut your produce.

You typically want to make sure they are small enough to fit into the juicer and not too large which can potentially damage your juicer.

Make them small and easy for your juicer to process them. The more organized you are, the more efficient and easier juicing will be, and it’s good to track what you are consuming to know exactly what it is that you are consuming.